Ouvrir La Bouche | Food, Well-being and Adventure


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Green Smoothie Bowl

Not long ago I made a post about a Berry Smoothie Bowl, and ever since I've been obsessed with 
smoothie bowls! They're so refreshing eating as breakfast, midday snack... all meals really, and I can't 
seem to stop eating them!

Clicking around on the smoothie recipe part of the internet, you see a lot of green smoothie recipes,
 and I must say I, at first, wondered why this poison looking smoothie was all over the place. I've come
to know, though, that it's because you get your veggies without even noticing, because they're a good source
of long lasting energy, they're low in calories but very filling, and last, but not least, one big vitamin
bomb. So I started to make some of these green smoothies a part of my weekly smoothie plan and I
don't regret it one single minute. I'm now full of energy and I feel way more full doing the day!

After having been through a lot of recipes, I decided to experiment and combine my favourite green 
smoothies and make my very own one, which has come to be my absolutely favourite actually. It's 
healthy, filling, great and green!


My absolutely favourite
recipe gives two bowls

All you will need is:
1 dl water
1 banana
5 medium cabbage leafs
200 ml coconut milk 
Topping after taste

And all you need to do is:
Put all ingredients in a blender and puree until it is smooth 
Pour it into two bowls and top with your desired topping

Bon appetit!

Emma x

1 comment:

  1. yummy!!!! It looks amaziiing I love this kind of easy/fast/fresh/delicious (I could go on like this for hours) recipes hahahha <3



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