Ouvrir La Bouche | Food, Well-being and Adventure


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Healthy Cheese Buns

I must admit that I have always had a little special something for cheese buns, but as you 

might know, cheese buns are not exactly healthy. I have eaten tons of unhealthy cheese buns 

which in the end was to see on both my skin and body in generel. I got enough of this and 

switched the light, nosatisfying cheese buns out for some containing wholemeal that is way 

more satisfying. Do you have the same craving for cheese buns, but do not want it to affect 

both your skin and body weight as much as ordinary cheese buns do, try these!


For 15 people


  • 300g wholemeal flour 
600g  wheat flour 
4 dl buttermilk 
25 g yeast 
1 dl warm water 
1 tsp salt 
100g grated parmesan
1. Crumble the yeast in a large bowl
2. Pour the buttermilk in a cooking pot and heat it slowly. (Make sure it doesn't get too hot! 

The temperatur shall feel like a fine line between not too cold and not too hot when you stick 
a little finger into the milk.) 
3. Pour the heated buttermilk into the bowl with yeast and stir until the yeast has dissolved.
4. Add wholemeal flour, salt and 2/3 of parmesan
5. Stir it well together
6. Place a piece of film over the bowl and let the dough raise for an hour
7. Knead the dough one the table with your hand
8. Shape it into balls and place them on a baking sheet that is covered with a piece of baking paper
9. Let the dough buns rise for an hour
10. Brush them with water and sprinkle the last parmesan on top of them
11. Bake them in the oven at 200°C for about 20 minutes

Bon appetite! 

Emma xx


  1. Oooooooh! I love so much cheese buns so literally thank you very very very much for posting the recipe, I must try to bake them (even though I'm terrible for that) as soon as possible. It would be amazing to be able to do them! Have a nice day,


  2. these look super delicious! thank you for sharing!
    following you on bloglovin' and twitter. hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    a possible fantasy


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