Ouvrir La Bouche | Food, Well-being and Adventure



Hello there! I'm Emma, a 19 year-old from Denmark. Welcome to my blog, my kitchen and
 my life. 
A few years back I started a blog for the first time, and let me be honest with you; it wasn't
 the best. Back then I was a goofy and slightly overweight teenager. I ran the blog until I left
 home for a year to go on a boarding school. This year I ate like I've never eaten before, and I gained
 a few more pounds. I was sick and tired of these extra pounds I'd gained and when I got home
 from boarding school I decided to start all over and live a healthier life.
 Here I am, a few pounds of fat lighter and a few pounds of muscles heavier, starting all over
 with the blogging-thing too. Ouvrir La Bouche is french and means Open the Mouth and 
that is exactly what I'm going to do. Ouvrir La Bouche will be my way to help other people to 
feel the way I've felt since I started living healthier. I feel refreshed, better, happier, more 
beautiful. Honestly, I feel more me.

I'm no nutritionist or life expert with a long arse education of any kind, but I have a passion

 for food, well-being and traveling. I hope you'll enjoy following my journey and hopefully I'll
 give you inspiration to live a healthier and more exiting life. All it takes is willingness to try
 something new. I know you have it in you!
Emma xx

1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited about your blog! I love seeing other peoples post, gives me inspiration!
    Anneliese xx


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