Ouvrir La Bouche | Food, Well-being and Adventure


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Give Yourself A High-Five

Over time many people have asked me how I keep smiling, keep being positive, and keep 
feeling good about myself in such a busy, judging, and not-always-that-sunny world as the 
world we’re all living in. My answer to that is that I give myself a high-five.

By giving myself a high-five I assure myself that I’m good enough, that I’m pretty enough, 
that I’m smart enough, and that I can do well enough. By giving myself a high-five for big 
achievements as well as for small achievements I help myself staying positive about what I’m 
doing and give myself the support and the courage I need to to keep going on, even though 
the world is against me, because I know that I have at least one person on my side: Myself. It 
helps me climbing to the top of the mountains of the everyday struggles and it helps me 
trusting myself and makes me believe that I, maybe not immediately but after some time, 
will reach the top of these mountains. By giving myself a high-five I assure myself that no 
matter how dark something seems to be, there is a lighter side of it, and that everything good 
will fall into place in the end. It assures me that I’m better than bad words and bad 
behaviour, and helps me stay positive on the inside as well as the outside.

By starting giving myself a high-five every once in a while I’ve made myself a whole other 
person. Starting using my energy on being positive instead of wasting it on being negative
has made me both think and act in very different way. Many people who knew me a 
couple of years ago say that they now only recognise me by the outside, and not on what’s 
inside. Before I was a person who was always tired because I saw only dark clouds on my sky 
and someone who walked around like sleepwalker. By starting to give myself a high-five I’ve 
turned into a person who is always tired because of the many times the corner of my lips has 
gone upwards and all the new mind-blowing impressions I’ve got by not looking down at the 
dark asphalt but up in the bright blue sky. I’m myself forever grateful for making this small 
change that has turned out to make a huge difference.

I hope you will follow my footsteps and start to look brightly at things you might before have 
look at badly. I simply hope you’ll do yourself the favour of giving yourself a high-five every 
once in a while. You deserve it.

Emma xx


  1. Love this post! I too used to only focus on the negative in my life. I decided I was going to change it, and when I felt myself going down that dark path I would just start repeating "positivity! positivity" in my head. It worked though and isn't life so much better now?


  2. this is so inspiring Emma <3


  3. just wanted to say im really enjoying reading your blog! its more unique compared to any other blog ive seen, in terms of layout! love it x


  4. Your blog is amazing! Great design.
    And this post is super inspiriting :)

    Love, Maria


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