Ouvrir La Bouche | Food, Well-being and Adventure


Sunday, August 09, 2015

Berry Filled Green Tea Oatmeal

A couple of months ago I came across a picture on Emma Chase's Instagram of the most
 delicious looking oatmeal I'd seen in a long time, and after reading her caption "Berry Filled 
Green Tea Oatmeal", I was sold. She kindly handed me the recipe and trust me when I say; 
it's one of the best things I've ever tried! And I'm sure if you're just a little into berries and 
green tea, you'll like it just as much as I do!

For making this delicious oatmeal you'll only need: 
Berries after choice (both sort-wise and amount-wise)
One bag green tea
3,5 dl water
75 g oats

And all you'll have to do is:
First off, make the water boil in a small cooking pot. When boiling, put the bag of green tea 
into the water and let it be for 3 minutes. As the 3 minutes have passed, take out the bag of 
green tea and add the oats and let it cook for a few minutes. Then add your berries and cook 
it all together for a minute or two, before pouring it into a bowl and tasting this wonder of a

#TIP: Add some granola and maple syrup on top to add extra texture and flavour!


Emma xx

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