Ouvrir La Bouche | Food, Well-being and Adventure


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Berry Smoothie Bowl

So Valentines day, the day of love, hearts and the colour red, is over us and why not eat some 
food that fit into the context? This lovely, slightly red smoothie bowl is something very near to 
my heart and I love starting the day with one between my hands. It can not only be use as 
breakfast though, but also as a midday meal as it cuts a perfect line between smooth and sourish. 
This smoothie bowl is super healthy and if you are just a little fan of berries you sure will 
absolutely love it! 

All you will need is:
200 g berries after taste
2 bananas
1 medium cabbage leaf
200 ml coconut milk 
Topping after taste

#TIP: You can not only use chia seeds as topping. You can actually also use the seeds as an 
ingredient in the smoothie to give the smoothie a thicker consistence

#TIP: When I make this I use a mix of forest berries, and it is something I definitely recommend 

And all you need to do is:
Put all ingredients in a blender and puree until it is smooth 
Pour it into two bowls and top with your desired topping

Wanting the thicker chia seed smoothie, follow these steps too:
After completing the previous (where chia seeds is not used) put 1 tsp chia seeds into the mixture
Now allow the mixture to sit for about 5 minutes, so the chia seeds will absorb some of the fluids 
from the smoothie. This will make the seeds expand and this way make the smoothie thicker
Mix the mixture in the blender once more
Pour it into two bowls, top it and enjoy!

Happy Valentines day!

Emma x


  1. yummy this looks delicious Emma <3 happy v-day


  2. This looks so good! What do you mean by after taste? Like to taste? :) I think I'm definitely going to try it today after dinner! Could I also use normal milk or almond milk? Should I use a bit less of it as it has a runnier texture? Thank you for the lovely post and happy Valentine's day! <3 xxx


    1. Hi babe

      With "After taste" I mean "Choose yourself. Take what you like the most", and yes, you can use normal milk from a cow or almond milk, but then it will turn into a milkshake instead of a smoothie ;) Out of these two kind of milk I would choose almond milk as it is sweeter than the cow milk and this will make it a good substitute for the coconut milk :)

      Emma xx

    2. thank you very much for your reply :) x


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